c. Fall 2021

Magic Managed

Final Product


Some of my Process

Want to know more about this project?

  • From beginning to end, I thoroughly enjoyed creating a system of pictograms for the wizarding world of Harry Potter. I started off by creating 3 separate subcategories of common icons from the world that then inspired ideas for the shapes I built. I wanted to represent a variety of icons that would communicate ideas about this world like broomsticks, wands, books, and owls. I made a key to go along with the three shapes I chose- circle, square, and triangle- to represent different meanings. When I finished my set I then created mock-ups to showcase how my pictograms would be seen living in the wizarding world.

  • Photoshop and Illustrator

  • …was thinking like an individual who lives inside the Harry Potter universe and the iconographic elements that they would interact with.